Teaching / Service


Ocean 623 – Chemical Oceanography (Offered Every Spring)

Graduate-level core course covering foundational concepts in chemical oceanography.

Course website (under development)

Feel free to use material with attribution.

OCN 201 / 201L – Science of the Sea

Undergraduate introduction to oceanography. Co-taught with physical and biological oceanographers. I teach the marine chemistry and marine geology sections, alternating semesters with Prof. Nick Hawco. Course website.

Modules developed for OCN 201 based on my research:

One way that I try to translate my work into more broadly accessible formats is through teaching. As part of that, I’ve developed several modules covering the oxygen and carbon cycles, climate change, and how we measure and observe the ocean.


Interim Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion committee

As part of this committee we are working to hire DEI professionals for the School of Ocean and Earth Science and Technology and for the Department of Oceanography (SOEST). This committee was formed in response to student, postdoc, and staff demands and in the long term will serve to support one or more DEI professionals with training and experience in addressing systemic racism in the geosciences and broadening participation by historically minoritized groups. We are also coordinating efforts with several SOEST URGE groups and the SOEST DEI committee. Read more about our work, goals, and accountability here.

Teaching Evaluation Committee

Assess teaching evaluations, recommend faculty and students for teaching awards.